Monday, July 25, 2011

Comic-Con 2011, Day 4!

Day 4 of Comic-Con! Things are still high energy, but you can just feel it as the fans are trying to get that last Collectible or Comic to round out their collection. That last minute frenzy because they won't get to do this again until next year. All the studio and gaming company booths are packed with people trying to get a last glimpse of their favorite celebrity or a chance to get a free signed poster or play a Beta Version of a yet to be released game and yes, even I managed to score some shwag.

Before I left the house I checked my email and found a press release from Senitype to stop by and pick up a Press Kit and a free Captain America SENITYPE Collectible Movie Ticket! MAJOR SCORE FOR ME!!! I will be redeeming very soon and my son and I will go see it!

On that high note the tone for the day was set. Today is Collectible and Celebrity Day. I cruised over to the Sideshow Collectibles booth and saw lots of drool worthy of some things I want but will never be able to afford on my limited income, but a guy can dream, can't he? Here are some pics to give you an idea;

These are all around 3 feet tall;

Terminator Endo-skeleton

Classic Wolverine

Iron Man

Predator with a Dead Alien

Life-sized bust of the Predator. How would you like to wake up and see this looking back at you?

And the BIGGIE, a LIFE-SIZED Han Solo in Carbonite!!!

I saw this guy wandering around;


But there was no sign of the TARDIS.

G4 Booth Babes!

While heading to the elevator I ran into an old friend;

Steve Leialoha. I've known him for more than 30 years. He's one of the finest Inkers in the business.

Finally made it upstairs to the Sail Pavillion where all the Autograph tables were and began visiting people. You know, if you just talk to them, they will share all kinds of info with you and you may just come away with a new friend.

I was rolling around when I spotted a familiar face from a Movie Trailer I saw on Apple Movie Trailers;

Three cast members from the upcoming film, "Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage", William Romeo, Shahin Sean Solimon and Said Farj. They were very pleased that I knew about the film and am really looking forward to seeing it when it comes out. The even signed a poster for me! William plays the African Genie, Shahin is Sinbad and Said is the Evil Sorceror. All the monsters are old school stop motion ala Ray Harryhausen, so GO SEE THIS!!! And, on the other side of the table I met Isaac Singleton Jr. who plays Death;

The man is HUGE! And you can see from the poster behind him, he also starred in POTC and Galaxy Quest.

Next was Camden Toy, the face under the makeup of so many of the creatures on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer";

You can see the face he wore from the episode "Hush" in the poster behind us.

Next is Chris Warner who played Bozo #3 in Sin City.

You can see from the picture in my hand that he has been in a LOT of things and is now working on getting the role of "Frank Castle" in the next Punisher. I hope he gets it!

I took a quick break to have lunch out on the Terrace, when suddenly, I was attacked from behind by long time friend and fellow Highlander Fan, Andrew Modeen. Andrew is an up and coming young film maker who has made a called "Highlander: Dark Places".

If you're on Facebook, check out his page;

Back inside and who do I run into? Greg Bear!

Hugo and Nebula Award winning Science Fiction Writer! I've known him for more years than I care to remember and can recall when he lived down here in Santee, CA! Always a welcome friend of Comic-Con!

Next up is the Lovely Mercedes McNab, Harmony from both "Buffy" and "Angel";

Still stunning!

I managed to catch Lee Meriwether, 1955 Miss America, Catwoman #3 in Batman and more recently, Ruth Martin on "All My Children";

Still beautiful and very gracious to let me chat with her and take this picture.

I rolled over and got to have a talk with Timothy Quill;

You might recognize him from all three "Spiderman" films and from "Army of Darkness" as the blacksmith who worked on Ash's car. He's hoping to here from Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell about a role in the next "Evil Dead" film and I hope he does!

I got to meet Richard Hatch next. No, not the naked guy from "Survivor", but the original Apollo from "Battle Star Galactica";

When I asked if he would ever make another Charlie Chan Film he cracked up!

I ran into my friend, Daniel Gear, who helped me on Thursday to get a quick photo-op with Adrian Paul and he clued me in on a special opportunity to grab some pictures, The Cast of "Merlin" was coming up to sign posters for the fans! I managed to get some good shots, no thanks to guy who was rushing me through the line and I didn't even get a poster!


They were all happy to give a me a chance to get the pictures and I did get to tell Katie McGrath, who plays Morganna, that I think she is beautiful and that Evil very often is, and that's the smile she gave me!

By this time the day was beginning to wear on me and I felt a lot like this little guy;

Yes, that's a real dog and he looks pooped!

On the way to the elevator to head down for one last pass, I ran into these two lovelies;

I don't know why, but the ladies all seem willing to pose with me. Not that I'm complaining or anything...

Well that's it for today, but stay tuned and I will be posting some of the stuff I didn't add tomorrow!

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