Monday, July 16, 2012

Greetings out there in Blogger Land!

If you remember my last posting, I had been diagnosed as having Throat Cancer and had vowed to beat it. Well, I did. The cancer is gone!  I went through seven weeks of Radiation Treatments and Chemotherapy, lost all the hair on my face and some on the back of my head and had a Burn on my neck for a while.

My sense of taste is shot and I can't eat very much right now because everything I try to eat tastes like Battery Acid, even things that are sweet! I miss my Sugar!  As a result of not being able to eat, I have lost over 80 pounds. I'm  down from 450 to 370. It's a struggle mainly because my mouth and tongue are still burned from the radiation, but are slowly healing.

The Biggest and Best news is I HAVE BEATEN CANCER!  Yes, the Cancer is GONE! I still have some follow up visits, but I am fully confident that I will come through with flying colors.  I want to thank all of my Friends and Family out there who sent Good Vibes, Prayers and Words of Support and Encouragement while I went through this.  I don't know what would have happened without you, so once again, Thank you all!